Friday, November 27, 2009

In Today's WDT

Danielle Jury to complete Bay Trustee term

Just in case you missed it, the following is a comment found at the bottom of the article:

By lifeguard  Fri., Nov. 27 at 7:50 am

Ms Jury will be harrased by Jim Cummings bag of tricks and lies. She need not worry as his supporters and friends are few as he proved in the last election at the village and town level. He is zero for two in his attempts by large margins. His credibility is in the bottom of his turd pot. The circus floggers negative campaigning and consistent lies have even alienated him from his own local political party.

And This one: 

By localband  Fri., Nov. 27 at 8:47 am
He no longer has a local political party that supports him. How could or would they? He has no integrity, morales, intelligence or ethics. Friends and supporters are walking away in droves as he criticizes everyone who is trying to help the community if they aren't doing it his way.
Ms Jury, thankyou for stepping forward and don't listen to his distorted unethical bull. He has provenly chased many good candidates for village and town positions away. You all need to listen and realize we have lost many good candidates, policemen, police chiefs, dpw workers and more due to his personal fairytale grudges.

And the third one I was waiting for:

By curmudgeon  Fri., Nov. 27 at 9:10 am
This article is about Danielle, not my buddy JC. Stop the harrasement and let the blow hart continue to dig his own hole.

Talk about distortion.  But as usual, I have  shared the other sides opinions!


curmudgeon said...

....seems we have two "Curmudgeons" in Jefferson Cty. One can spell and one can't.
I'm the one who can, and I wonder how this WDT article turned into a critique of comments that were never expressed on Abay Circus?
Good luck, Danielle.

Nick said...

I don't always agree with you JC, but I do think you try to present as much information as possible about a topic. And I think it is quite honest of you to give the same opinion in both public and private. Most people are more than willing to write comments. But, not many would have such strongly worded opinions if they weren't anonymous.

jim cummings said...

Thank you Nick.....sometimes I forget, that I might be wrong...

DoTsTeR said...

Man, I feel left out. They didn't say anything bad about me ! Comon u anonymous pieces of garbage.. u scum sucking rodents.. ole Johnny needs some hate too..