Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Waiter There Are Micro Organisms In My Food

Now that is something you will never hear.  So why does the old hair in the food get used so often?   
{This is in response to an incident that happened a few days ago.  It may not make any sense to you.  Sorry if you are out of the "loop"]

Scenario 1
You are at a friends house for dinner.  You contribute a couple of bottles of wine and an appetizer.  Everyone sits down to eat.  One person at the table dramatically pulls a hair out of the appetizer that you prepared.  Ask yourself this ........what usually happens next?  You fill in the answer!

Scenario 2
You and a significant other attend a wedding reception.  Your S/O finds a hair in one of the entree's.  What usually happens next?

Hair is visible to the naked eye and can be found in food prepared in the most sterile of kitchens.  The chances of becoming physically ill from ingesting a strand of hair are remote.  Psychological effects can be interesting.  Right now I can imagine a strand of hair caught around that little punching bag in the back of my throat and .........I start to gag........and gagging leads to barfing.  ARRRGH!  Ruined meal for me and everyone adjacent to my table.  But again that is all psychological.

Now picture this in your food
It is a micro organism called the novovirus.  Does it make you want to gag?  Nope, it does not have any effect on me either.  But wait!  Everyone should be more worried about this and other food borne pathogens in food than any amount of hair.  There are restaurants that do not properly wash and sanitize dishes or silverwareOthers do not instruct staff to practice safe hand washing
Now that is gross.

Links Below for your Reference:

Waiter / Waitress Jokes

Foodborne Pathogens 

1 comment:

Hammonite said...

Gee JC ,what Abay establshments might you be reffering to ??(haha) Who knows what goes on in the kitchen ? I worked at McDonalds as a teen and some of the things we used to do to the food for fun will go to the grave with me. I guess my advice would be to dine at establishments with mature competant staff and management.
Try dining in a third world country . I was in Kenya a few years ago and I was innoculated against Cholera , and Hep A among others. I took a pill every day to ward off " Montezuma Revenge" and had a " three pill bullet" if I got the runs. No Problems ! Cases of Soda were hauled on trucks along with livestock . I learned why Kenyans drank soda with a straw !