By now, most of you have read about the New sign ordinance, and I hope that all of you drivers have noticed the new village speed limit. It was recently changed from 30 mph to 25 . Change can be good, especially if the ordinance or law that has been on the books do not currently satisfy the needs of the residents and/or business owners.
We have had a sign ordinance in place since the early 90's. For the most part it has sat dormant for many years, only occasionally being used. Recently, the sign ordinance has been dusted off and used as a reminder to business owners, just who is in charge of this village. So the sign ordinance that was seldom used had to be modified and made more strict. A very restrictive ordinance that only benefits the lawyer that got paid to put his legalease on it. And the elected officials that want to bully the business owners into bankruptcy [not really, but it sounds good].
The speed limit that used to be 30mph and not enforced is now 25 and will probably be treated just like it was before the change. All these little changes [including the waiving of the open container law for events] are strangling our little Honky Tonk Town. Like it or not.... that is what we are, that is what keeps our taxes lower than most villages our size or smaller. The only real change we need will be on November 2nd. Oh! Start making plans for change in November 2011.
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