Monday, January 31, 2011

Can I Quote You?

I have been attending almost every Village Board meeting for over 3 and 1/2 years.  At first I used to type all the highlights of those meetings in the Forums.  Later, after the forums closed, I started this blog.  I realized that all I had been doing was duplicating what the reporters do.  I wanted this blog to be something more factual, not just an opinion or slant on what was going on with our village and its government.  As a result, I started digital recording of all the meetings.  This gives you the chance to listen in to the meetings as if you were there!  When someone speaks at those public meetings, it should not be a surprise to them when they hear a recording of what they said on this blog.  Nobody can say, "I did not say that" or "the blogger made that up", or "that is not what I meant".   Just a reminder, if you see me at a public meeting, everything that you say is being recorded, not only by me,  the VB also records those meetings..... 

So if you are one of the Few people that believe I can recreate peoples voices to make them say stupid shit, I am hear to tell you that I can not do that.  The voices that you hear on the recordings from the village meetings are the real person saying the really stupid shit.  Give me a friggin break......  Remember, these are public meetings and the person[s] speaking are totally responsible for what they say.  I am not be responsible for anything that you say, profound or otherwise.....

Stephen Hawking is a world renowned physicist and unable to speak. He uses a special program that converts his words that he types to create a [robotic] voice.   If there was software out their that could perfectly mimic someones voice, don't you think that he would have it.