Saturday, January 30, 2010

Bond Resolution For Dock Reconstruction

The mayor wanted to set an amount for money allocated  for the work done on the dock NOT TO EXCEED $350,000.00.  Some of the VB members were reluctant to OK this amount for fear of "public perception" [lots of irate phone calls to VB members].  It almost went to a vote but was tabled...........

Dog Training Class at the Village Community room 2/4/10
Bond Resolution for Dock Construction 2min:31sec
IMA Town and Village Hearts for Youth 16min59secs
IMA between the Villages of Alex Bay and Clayton: Sludge Hauling 18min:51secs
Another IMA same as above, sharing WWTP and Water Treatment operators 23min:25secs

27min:30secs   A question was asked about the minutes from the last meeting.  Regarding executive session discussion regarding legal action against Rick Merola and Harbor Villas for his failure to pay water bills.  The mayor was asked how much was owed to the village......his reply....$26,000

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