Its' BUDGET TIME. Remember you can only count on Death and TAXES. You might want to shrivel up and die when all those BUDGETS are passed and made public. I am not even going to talk about the Federal, the State or even the County Budgets.....that would be like smashing your head against the wall, Doing No Good At All. Lets all try to be vigilante when it comes to the BIG 3 that we have some control over.........
I can not predict the future, but you can bet those 3 will GO UP! How much you ask? Your guess is as good as mine. It all depends if you wake up and shake the cobwebs out of your head and PAY ATTENTION. For instance........ the Village has purchased a new Police Car [$25,000+] and Plans on purchasing a re-furbished Dump Truck [$40,000+] and slipped in a new set of Bleachers [$2,000+] for the Tennis Courts. This is just an example of what has happened recently or will happen in the near future. I am not going to summarize everything for you.
You need to come back to reality and start asking questions of all your elected board members. Let them all know that you want them to tighten up the budget and that you want your taxes to GO DOWN. They need to go down because all of our wallets are shrinking and the cost of living is rising. Do not be suckered by the politician/official that says your taxes are only going to rise a few pennies or dimes or quarters per thousand of assessed value over last years taxes. Do Not Fall For That Explanation YOU/WE CAN NOT AFFORD IT! It is not to late.......all 3 are working on the budgets as you read this. Call them, stop them at the store.....what ever it takes........GET PROACTIVE......
Singing puppets did it for me. I just got MOMN. ;)
I have to admit, I had to look up MOMN!
Milk Out My Nose.
Some people over at PIV, Political IV, PKA 'political independent voice' are wrapped so tightly that they are picking on people who find puppets amusing. Some 'fargan icehole' who thinks that Huey 'Piano' Smith and the Clowns, singing "don't you just know it" is not worth of there time, and only worthy of their ridicule. Some people are born assholes and will always be jerks!!!
Dem fargin tell me what is all this talk about cockpuppets
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