I’m a college student and have a lot more important stuff to be doing with my time than watching a 45 minute video of people who are against my family. I normally don’t get myself into this kind of nonsense but there are some of you who need an intense attitude adjustment. It should be obvious to any person who watched this video that the reason for kicking Alex off of the committee was solely based on personal issues. I’m not sure if this town forgot that life isn’t a popularity contest, but I’d like to remind you that it isn’t. Alex’s participation in this event has been for the benefit of the community. It is really great to see that people went to the meeting and stood up for Alex, it shows real character to stand up for what is right. The people at the meeting who were voting to kick Alex off of the committee had not only made up their minds before they got there, but obviously didn’t take into consideration the numerous reasons why Alex should stay. The meeting wasn’t mentioned to Alex until both he and his wife were unable to attend the meeting, and I‘m not going to even start on the issue of the extra votes. As Rick said “it’s a lot bigger than an individual,” the heads of the chamber must have misheard that one. After watching the video I took a look at the other comments that people have made about this video, I feel sorry for some of them. One comment mentioned the fact that Ronnie stays in the bay all year while Alex goes away. Is that really the best you could come up with? Last time I checked Alex opens his store up before the boat line and closes at Christmas, I know this for a fact because I‘m always the one working. Why anyone would want to stay in the negative 30 degree ghost town is very interesting to me, zip up your coat and have a fun time paying the extra thousand dollars on heat. I know that whoever is reading this may think I am biased because he is my father, but think again. I know what is right and wrong, and I have challenged him before. We butt heads as much or more than any of you and I tell him when I think he is wrong or right about something and there is no doubt in my mind that he has been helping this community. He has been on this committee my whole life and unfortunately I have had to hear everything that has gone on over the years. I wouldn’t have spent so much time doing this if I wasn’t doing something that I felt was right. So to end this, I would like to tell all of you to get over yourselves and to see people for what they stand for, you could try to look at situations from others point of view instead of the feeble minded views that have seemed to take over. Thank you to everyone who stood up for Alex, I’m happy to know that there are people like that out there.
- Aurora Mosher
That was well written, Aurora. We support Alex's and BJ's efforts too....
Aurora, You put a alot of thought into your post. It was well written.
While I agree with you on most points and the people of the chamber are doing some low handed things. I must say that no one person should ever take credit for our wonderful priate's weekends. The people of Alexandria bay should be very proud of the work that they put into those 14 day. I really think it could be done without the chamber entirely but that is just my opinion.I am not a chamber member, nor would I ever concider being involved because they only seem to target a couple of businesses when everyone should reap the benefits.They argue between each other too much and nothing gets accomplished.
Oh, by the way, I am a year round resident and I totally enjoy the changing months and climate.Not everyone likes to go south but if I were your dad I guess I would have to get away from it all every once in awhile too.
You are so right Aurora. I've heard Alex blamed recently for the "negative" publicity surrounding this attempt to remove Alex. It was not Alex who brought this motion to the board when he was out of town and could not be here to defend himself. When Mayor Robb clarified on the video what Alex stated was misinterpreted by Ronnie Thomson, the motion should have immediately been withdrawn since that is the only information shared with the public at large.
Many people are very turned off by the actions of the Chamber. In this economy the Chamber should be focusing on it's plan to promote the Bay. They'll never erase the "honky tonk town" image the Bay has acquired when this kind of action perpetuates that image. The fighting and rumor mill needs to be stopped.
J C why don't you post all the comments not just the ones you like or support your cause. You didn't post my last two comments because they stated facts you didn't want to hear. Is that the way you are operating this blog, obviously very BIASED! As someone said before there are two sides to this story and your allowing only one side here.
Anonymous 8:14am
This is my blog with my opinion. I run this circus the way I want. If you want to see biased reporting then go to the WDT, politicaliv blog, or read the TI Sun. The WDT and the TI Sun have strict guidelines for sending in a letter to the editor. The biggy is SIGN YOUR NAME. So the next time you want to post "one of your comments" on MY BLOG, think of it as a letter to the editor and sign your real name to it.
If anyone really cares......anonymous 8:14am comments did not clarify or show the other side of this story, they were an attempt to scold and intimidate Aurora.
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