Saturday, March 2, 2013

Notice Of Public Meeting

Town Of Alexandria:

In the Wednesday February 27th 2013 TI Sun, a Notice of a change of meeting date was published by the order of the Town Board of Alexandria.  The meeting date was changed  to March 4th. This is only 6 days notice.  The change is not an emergency, it is merely an accommodation for a board member who would have missed the regular March 13th meeting.

On January 3rd 2013, the Alexandria Town Board violated the Open Meeting Laws by holding an unannounced  meeting with 3 board members [a quorum] and they also neglected to take minutes at this meeting.  This was brought to the boards attention and Town Supervisor Hunneyman took full responsibility for that illegal meeting.

I was assuming that this board would not make the same mistake twice.  I also assumed that this board would err on the side of caution when scheduling or rescheduling public meeting.  I make my final assumption that this board will reschedule the March 4th meeting to another date that follows the §104. Public notice as noted below

§104. Public notice. 
1. Public notice of the time and place of a meeting scheduled at least one week prior thereto shall be given to the news media and shall be conspicuously posted in one or more designated public locations at least seventy-two hours before such meeting