Tuesday, November 11, 2008

VB Meeting Nov. 11, 2008*****Audio

As one Anon. Commentor stated [ deleted BTW]  I rushed home and uploaded the audio.  Not for my own benefit but for our Village Community, so that anyone that wants access to it can stay informed.

This audio is the Public Hearing tonight regarding parking on Church St. in the area of the Reformed Church. Oddly enough nobody from the church showed up at this special public hearing.

The next audio is from the regular VB meeting.  I will add the time stamps of the highlights later.  We did go on a field trip to the VPD to see what renovations need to be done..........more later

Added later:

00:00 to about 20:00 Public concerns, this is where I voice my concern for the renovation project {Backed by Carol Shepherd, Kay Doheny, and a few others} and convince the VB to take a short field trip down the hallway to see just what they want done.  I did pause the audio till we all settled in at the VPD.

20:57 to 26:01 Department reports

47:52 Re-Levy unpaid taxes to Jeff. Co. Treasurer  $200,000 up from $60,000 last year.

51:32 Trash Truck trashed maybe need to replace, some discussion about shared services

57:39  Residential Complaint

Some items are discussed inbetween the above highlights.

Added this morning:  WDT article on lasts night public hearing

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