Thursday, September 25, 2008

Why? Why would this blogger waste his time with me?

J.Burke said...

Bobby Cantwell is not only the best candidate, but he is willing to risk his entire campaign to make sure he runs a fair and honest campaign. He turned down not only help from the Albany Republicans but also hundreds of thousands in funding because they wanted to go negative.
Can Addie Jenne say the same? Riiight. She has had trouble raising money from the Democrats I spoke with up there so DACC stepped in and threw her $200,000.
A vote for Russell, is a vote for NYC.
The Home of the New York Conservative Blogger
September 25, 2008 10:42 AM

The above is a comment that I received is in response to The Poll>>>>>>>Tie.  How did this guy find my blog?  Why would he bother with me?  I am just a small town political hack and  not a very good one at that.  {To TF @ DD......I am not worthy......not worthy at all.} The blog that Mr Burke runs is huge, gigundous, making mine just a speck of flea poop.  I spent some time pondering the visit to my blog by this guy.....I just wonder what his intent was.  Did he visit  to educate my small number of readers and the author?  Or maybe to flex his huge moosles in an attempt at .........whats the word.......oh yeah.......intimidation.



HQ said...

Are we intimidated?
Well kinda....but we'll keep writing anyway.

Anonymous said...

Cantwell did turn it down, but they came crawling back and now they have one of their sham web sites for him to attack Addie.

My favorite is the "failed to get the sales tax exemption on clothing" yeah, because with the exception of Behling, Thomas and Carolyn Fitzpatrick, that Republican board opposes it. She also failed to turn water into wine.

Regardless, a vote for Addie is not a vote for NYC. It simply is a vote for a Theresa girl. That upstate downstate stuff is BS. Truth is, upstate needs downstate.

I may not vote for Addie, because I have some concerns about a few of her stances, just as I do have concerns about Cantwell. But my decision is not going to be based on any upstate/downstate horsehockey.

jim cummings said...

Yes we WILL TF.....most persistently