Vehicles speeding on Walton St. was the subject of a letter that was read at the 7.12.11 Village Board meeting. Tom Penn, a concerned resident fears that a fatality may occur on his street if the board did not install speed bumps. The board pooh pooh'd the speed bump suggestion, instead they opted for a patrol car to keep an eye on the traffic. I thought the idea of portable speed bumps was a good idea, moving them and warning signs to different locations throughout the village. The board quickly moved to another hazardous traffic problem on Miller Ave. A blind spot on the end of Miller Ave and James St. was identified and Blind Driveway Signs were installed within a few days after the 7.12.11 meeting. Did any of the speeding issues get resolved? NOPE! A patrol car hiding in the shadows can pick and choose who gets pulled over. Signs can be ignored. Below is the audio clip from that meeting.