Wednesday, August 31, 2011

"Runaway" to the Bay the Blues in the Bay.... Not only does the Blues in the Bay have a great lineup of nationally recognized talent, it offers you the opportunity to listen to some local musicians that contribute to this great event.  Runaway to the Bay this weekend and make sure you do not miss any of these bands playing at local establishments  or the big name bands performing under the tent on Upper James Street.  Click here for the SCHEDULE

"the Bay has the most bands north of Broadway"

"the Bay is a Music Mecca"

Monday, August 29, 2011

Blues in the Bay Slideshow

Slideshow of pictures from the past several years of this huge event.  Background music is Mojo, one of the many bands featured from Sept 1st through the 5th.

The first video is a 720p High Definition, the second video is identical but at a Standard Definition for slower internet speeds.

Blues in The Bay

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Block Dance in The Bay

Last night the Honeybush Brothers played at a block dance as part of the weekend long Rockin' in the Bay event.

Today's band line up,
The Goods…3pm to 6pm (down by Upper James St dock)
Cousin Jake…7pm to 10pm (down by Upper James St. dock)

Sunday's line up,
Magical Mystery Tour, a Beatles tribute band playing from 12pm to 3pm

Classic Car Rally this Sunday at 9am

Friday, August 26, 2011

Classic Car Rally 2011

Alexandria Bay
Classic car owners are encouraged to come to downtown Alex Bay and show off your pride and joy.  No entry fee required, click here for details.  Classic car enthusiasts, the rally, part of the Rockin' the Bay events is this Sunday starting at 9am till 1pm .  Magical Mystery Tour, a Beatles tribute band starts at noon, playing till 3pm.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Pirate Days Dangerous for Downtown?

That is what the mayor stated at last nights VB meeting during his police report.  Personally I do not think this or any event is dangerous for downtown merchants.  However I think some of our elected officials could ruin these events and the merchants revenue.  Remember, we enjoy lots of services and a low tax rate because of the downtown business.

An increase in tourists during these events is going to have an increase in some unruly behavior leading to arrests.  The increased flow of tourists needs to be managed by the merchants and law enforcement.  Letting situations escalate leading to a crisis management approach is no way to make our village a safe and fun place to be.  This event is not new, listen to the discussion from last years VB meeting.

River Hopital Gives Status Update

Ben Moore III C.E.O. of the River Hospital spoke at last nights Village Board Meeting.  He stated that a survey was completed and even though the public are very supportive of the hospital, most are unfamiliar with all the services that are offered.  Listen to the audio to hear the rest of his presentation.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Owens Briefed on Rt. 12 Development

Alexandria Bay
Tuesday afternoon Congressman Bill Owens met with Town of Alexandria Supervisor Martha Millett, County Legislator Phil Reed and Fourth Coast engineer Rob Campany.  The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the Route 12 corridor waterline, its grant funding and the responsible development of those properties.  As it stands now, the Strip Mall and the Racino are two businesses that would bring year round employment and an increase number of tourists and shoppers to the area.  Congressman Owens was also briefed on the increasing  levels of contamination found in water wells that some believe is caused by the salt barn located at the Collins Landing D.O.T. 

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Annie In The Water

These guys have been playing in the Bay all summer long. Annie In the Water list's their hometown as Watertown NY. They are all about acoustics and harmonies,,,, and I think their Stars Have Aligned.  Annie In The Water can also be found on Facebook.

2. Turnaround by Annie in the Water


Monday, August 22, 2011

Rockin' The Bay 2011

Slide show with audio featuring the Honeybush Brothers Band. Not sure what I used to record the audio and yes I know it sounds awful, but the pictures are good. The audio I make this year will be much better.

Link to the Alexandria Bay Chamber website.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Pirate Invasion the Final Chapter

Last week you saw  Pirate Bill Johnston and his merry band of cutthroat pirates steal all the Bay's money.  The video below shows the villagers trying desperately to defend the Bay from the Pirate ships.  The crowd screams Save The Bay Save The Bay.... will the defenders of the Bay succeed?

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Kids Pirate Parade

The little pirates march in their own parade during the final days of Bill Johnston's Pirate Days. The Grand Pirate Parade is on Sunday at 2:pm. Click here for details.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Don't Worry Be Happy

Island Dan Hammond playing the Steel Drums [aka steel pans] along with Tracy Robertson on bass entertained a crowd at the Top Of the Bay yesterday afternoon.  Worried?  Don't Be..... come to the Bay and enjoy the music.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Blogger Fights a Pirate

Did you ever want to have a sword fight with a real pirate?  I got the chance today.  All week there has been "Fight A Pirate" skits where kids get a chance to swing swords or clubs and eventually defeat those Pirate Scum.  I had a Blast.... thanks Pirate Matt for letting me be a kid.....

Oh and lets not forget about the kids

Sword Fighting 101

This is interesting stuff.  All types of swords and other weaponry and the pros and cons of each.  Plus some not so nice tactics and strategies used to maim or kill your opponent.  I think I am ready for the next Pirate Invasion.  Click here for the schedule of events.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Daily Pirate Skits

Click this link for the Pirate Days events...  There are skits, magic shows, sword fights, etc... going on daily throughout the week long Bill Johnston's Pirate Event..

Interviewing A Legendary Pirate

I put my life on the line to get this interview with a ruthless pirate known as the Captain.  He is the oldest living pirate from the first pirate days in the early 60's.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Pirate Invasion 2011

There is more to the Pirate Invasion than most people realize.  Everybody knows the characters Pirate Bill Johnston and his daughter Kate.  Most onlookers head right to the Village Park to view the Tall Ship attack on the defending villagers.  But what most of you miss is Pirate Bill looting the village of all their "treasury" and walking down James St. with his fellow pirates carrying the booty to his ship.  Angry villagers run him out of town, armed with only rolling pins and staffs.  Pirate Bill, his daughter Kate and the rest of the pirates board their ship and sail towards the park, where the invasion takes place.  The video I took yesterday tells the above story.  Now you all have the "Big Picture" of the invasion.  Speaking of that.... even though the village defenders and pirates are not using live rounds, those swords are very real.  So if a pirate comes up to you and very politely asks you to move, it is for your own safety.

Pirates in the Bay Circa 1966-68

My wife had this photo forever. Her father, Edward Walentuk [top hat in the back] was one of the founders of the Pirate weekend event.
From Old Pirates

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Pirates Block Dance

I have no way of knowing the attendance of last nights block dance.... but there were tons of people dancing, drinking, eating, and having a great time.  The performance of  the Bad Husbands Club and the projections and light show by the Vision made it one of the most memorable pirate dances of all time.  Click here for the official schedule of Pirate events

Friday, August 12, 2011

Town Caucus

Democrat Caucus

Will be held at the Plessis Firehall
26046 County Route 3, Plessis, NY

Tuesday August 23rd 2011
7:00 pm

Candidates will be nominated for the following public offices

  • Town Supervisor
  • Town Councilperson
  • Town Councilperson

      The past several years the Town caucus has been held in the village, which makes it difficult to get the people in the township involved in this very important meeting. 
    My plan is to rotate the Town caucus to different venues each year.  Next year it will be held in Redwood, and the year after that in the village.

Village Caucus

Democrat Caucus

Will be held at the Community Room
Village Office 110 Walton St.
Village of Alexandria Bay

Monday August 22nd 2011
7:00 pm

Candidates will be nominated for the following public offices

  • Village Mayor
  • Village Trustee
  • Village Trustee

Bill Johnston's Pirate Days

A glimpse into last years Pirate festivities.  This year will be twice as fun! Click this link for a schedule of events.  Pirate Days starts tonight and  kicks off with a block dance featuring the Bad Husbands Club

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Concert In The Park Series

An eclectic choice of music can be found in the Bay

The Norwood Brass Fireman played last night at the Scenic Park Pavilion.  Every Wednesday in July and August is a series of  free concerts in the park, an event sponsored by the Alex Bay Chamber of Commerce.  Click here for the remaining schedule.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

the Monday Night Band

What do you do on a Monday night?  Musicians from other bands or solo acts get together and jam.  Inviting others up on stage to play along with them. Hurry and check them out, we are running out of Monday's.

From left to right: Tom O'Riley, D.J. Rogers, Pat Shanahan, John Meyers, and Gary Stevenson.

Monday, August 8, 2011

The Sun Shines in the Bay

Even if it does rain, there is always somewhere to go and listen to great music while consuming "liquid sunshine"

Rebecca Keefe is a major headliner in the Bay and can be seen at several different establishments this summer.  Yesterday afternoon she played at the Top Of The Bay. 

Friday, August 5, 2011

TENNIS? Anyone

A useless, boring discussion from the 7.12.11 VB meeting.  Village board members complained about Terry Satterley giving lessons at the municipal courts.  In essence he is conducting business on village property.  After the 13 minute discussion, the board decided to send a trustee to talk to Mr Satterley and determine exactly what is going on at the courts.  Don't ya think that should have been done before the 13 minute discussion?  The report was to be given at the 7.26.11 meeting.  That item was not on the agenda nor was it ever reported.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Typical Thursday Night in the Bay

Riverside Acoustic Band and Ferguson and Rogers are just a couple of examples of the musical talent going on every Thursday night in the Bay.

New Musical Talent in the Bay

Ben Plante is one of the up and coming musicians that have been playing in the Bay this summer.  His musical genes go back 2 generations.  His mother, aunt and uncles were all raised playing a variety of musical instruments.  His grandfather, Frank Sacci  is well known for keeping the Miller/Goodman era alive and well with the Frank Sacci Big Band.  Keep an eye on Ben "Sacci" Plante....... he will be playing again  Monday night August 8th at the Top Of The Bay.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Ben and Fay Play Top Of The Bay

Every Sunday is a laid back easy listening experience...  The Wisner husband and wife team plays a wide variety of music that can be enjoyed while sitting on your butt OR you can get off your butt and dance.  =)