Friday, April 18, 2014

Forensic Audit

Town Of Alexandria:

The last paragraph in an article in this weeks T.I. Sun reads.....

"Forensic Auditors Bonadio and Co. of Pittsford were hired to conduct an audit of the town's [Alexandria] past financial records."

This is not just a financial audit but a Forensic audit.  This type of audit is much more thorough and more costly.

A forensic Auditor/Accountant is defined by the New York State Society of C.P.A.s as:
A Forensic Accountant is indeed part investigator, part auditor, part attorney and part accountant. A Forensic Accountant reviews evidence, conducts analyses, interviews involved parties and draws conclusions. A Forensic Accountant prepares each case as if it will result in litigation in the future

The town like other municipalities goes through routine financial audits.  But this one will be different. It is spurred on by a bunch of witch hunters who would better bide their time taking care of the day to day operation of our town. You may not like what this forensic audit discovers..... remember.... Justice is blind and her finger might point in an unexpected direction.....

Implementing policies, procedures, and managing human resources is far better than knee jerk reactions to a problem whether it exists or not..

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