According to the representatives of the Alexandria Bay American Legion that were present at the meeting:

I was hoping that one of the VB members would ask to see this documentation from the N.Y.S. Racing & Wagering Board regarding the off site licensing [nobody asked]. Documents like this [remember the sign ordinance?] are sometimes subject to interpretation.
Other items under New Business:
- Appoint Greg Millett DPW Supt. thru 11.30.09.[This term is good from 12.01.09 - 11.30.11]
- Listing of Chamber of Commerce Events 1min:49sec
- River Hospital request for donation...Denied....the mayor wanted this filed [circular?] 7min:25sec
- A.T.H.S. concert series request 19min:42sec
Ok, here some hints:
One was at the meeting [you should never leave the meeting after you speak, someone always talks about you]. The other business man was not at the meeting [but often is ]
Ooo Ooo !! Can I play ?? I pick Alex Mosher and John Quinn . What did I win ? :)
you win an opportunity to buy me the bourbon you owe me
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