In the TI SUN dated April 22 is a letter to the editor titled "Village's Reputation". Tell me you have read it! The letter talks about how
our town is viewed as the Honky Tonk and Boozin mecca of the 1000 Islands, now add to that, the possibility of Adult Entertainment taking top billing of the things to do in the Bay. The writer goes on to say that our VB could be heroes and save our town from this plight. I was thinking as I read the letter that it was going to be a petition of some kind .......but the letter is signed :
My question to this group: Where are your signatures? You lost your strength when you chose to be anonymous! You might have well signed it the sheepish muffled minority. Then you could have gone one step further and shredded it.
Here is the main question for the group. WHO are you afraid of? What person[s] or group of people in this town could possibly frighten you enough that you did not sign your letter?
Have Some Courage! No matter what your opinion might be!
funny thing, I thought the TI SUN required a signed letter to the editor. Who are they and, of what are they a majority?
A responsible paper should have published this letter signed.
Those were my thoughts exactly. I had read the rules for submitting letters to the editor before. But I did not find those rules in last weeks issue.......
A letter to the paper must be signed but the writer can request not to have his or her name published.
Thanx anonymous 8:16 PM
Would you care to comment on why someone would want to hide behind a false identity???
Of course I have an idea what your answer might be! But if someone feels that strongly about an issue.......why not let everyone know who you are and WHY you feel that way! It is what our country was founded on..........
I am not part of the "unsilent" majority. I wanted to state the papers policy on letters...thats all.
What is the big deal about "someone" writing a letter to the editor and not stating who they are. Who the He*ll cares. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.
Anonymous comments and letters to the editors are usually ignored
you guys are awsome :-p
I’ve decided to remain silent on this whole cage dancing controversy, but I feel now is the time to offer an outsiders way of thinking on this subject.
The Fact is, “Opening Day” for ABay is right around the corner, and with the state of the economy, all “businesses” are looking for their own way to increase revenues.
Don’t you think all the controversy & publicity are enticing people to visit ABay?
And what if they do show up?
*Don’t you think they’ll need a place to eat? Or sleep?
*Do you truly believe they will all park legally?
*Or come with designated driver?
*Or walk around downtown as model citizens after a night of fun?
*And where will the new Super Cop be during all this?
From my experience, money can buy your way into trouble, but you can also buy your way out.
Won’t the town benefit from that?
My optimistic view is that this will only last a couple of weeks. But by then it will be too late and the word will be out. People & their money will still be coming.
And what will they do then?
Please see above”*”.
And who will be left to clean up the mess?
Who will get credit for cleaning it up?
And now that ABay’s image has changed yet again, Don’t you think the people will return?
And what if they do?
Please see above”*”.
If nothing else this whole cage dancing issue has brought attention to ABay at a perfect time of the year for everyone, Don’t you think?
Lynn P.
Fort Erie, ON
Lynn P
I would prefer to see revenue enter this town in a more traditional way. Not as you suggested with a windfall of cash from parking tickets, DWI and disorderly conduct arrests.
I agree that the issue has brought attention to the Bay but I am not sure if the timing or the level is or was appropriate.....
What is frustrating is all the complaining about what will happen if this or that comes, but no, I'll take one of the half dozen empty places and make it into ?????? Many seem happier to bitch rather than step-up and make the village what they would like it to be. Opportunities exist, make it what you want!
Which one of the many "complainers" that you refer to can afford the cost of rental property? Not to mention the cost of converting the property to make it what you want? Then the expense of inventory and this and that. When will you open your shop Gmerrit?
I have had one, sold it, for a profit, and another will be coming this summer, and you JC? I am just tired of the same ole, same ole, bitch about what others are doing, but not step-up and make the changes they would want to see. JC Asked "Which one of the many "complainers" that you refer", If the shoe fits, take it out of your mouth and wear it! Good day!
Of course I DID see that last comment coming my way. You have an equally good day also.....
.......and not everyone has the financial resources to do what gmerrit suggests. I for one do not, and I don't just sit back and complain, I take a stance at our VB meetings.
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