Highlight of tonight's meeting......Old Chamber Building NOT for Sale
Public Concerns:
Melinda Comstock suggests that the VB hire a Grant Writer... 1min:11secs
Bud Garlock expresses concern about a large grant from the Power Authority...2min:35secs
Trustee Roy "somewhere the ball got dropped" [grant writing] 3min:09secs
More Discussion about grants and grant writing .....and the mayors reasoning why the village can not afford to waste money on hiring a grant writer! I do not think we can afford not to have one. You have to listen to this dialogue to believe it 4mins37secsCorrespondence:
American Red Cross Letter 8mins:12secs
Letter from Ed Gaffney, Senator Aubertine's Office. The Village is reminded to submit a written formal request to the Senator for any monies for the Dock reconstruction 9mins:02secs
Motion To Pay the Bills and the Payroll
This has always confused me. A couple of years ago I asked what the VB did in the "back" room before the official meeting began. I was told that the VB signed bills and approved the payroll. So tell me this....How can you actually sign the bills and the payroll before you make the motion to do so at the meeting. It seems backwards to me......All that signing should be done in public. That way there is no need for what seems to be a pre-meeting.......
Trustee Reports:
It seems that most of the departments are either painting something or working on the village dock.
Trustee Jury [11mins:07secs] reported on the Hearts For Youth meeting. H4Y has requested help from the Village with the learn to swim program. If Keewaydin pool is closed then the H4Y learn to swim is sunk! The VB was quick to say that the H4Y could NOT be accommodated at the Village Beach .
Trustee[s] Jarvis 15min:06secs; Drake 16mins28secs; Roy 16mins:42secs; Mayor 17mins:45secs
Old Business:
Dock Status 18mins:27secs Engineer Fees $60,000 26mins:35secs
Fire Truck sealed bid minimum [$2000] 1bid rec for $1000 29mins:36secs
Alexandria Township Historical Society 28 Market Street property [Old Chamber Building] The VB has taken this property off the market. It has been determined by the ATHS that grants and other assistance to develop this property into a historical benchmark along the Riverwalk will take some time..... The VB made it clear that they do not want the building used for another T-shirt Shop [or a parking lot]. The decision to remove the Old C of C from the market was followed by applause and a few cheers.32mins:32secs.
Important Note.....please pay close attention to the audio [35mins:00secs] where Patricia Tague says that the ATHS hired a grant writer [at their own expense] and discovered all sorts of possible opportunities. I guess you sometimes have to spend some money to save a lot! Imagine that
New Business:
Starts at 38mins:17secs, Budget workshop, Riverwalk workshop and signing of the Flow Management Cert. Form