Thursday, June 24, 2010

Operation Teen Proof

Found this  media release on NewzJunky.  The media release comes at a time when recently the Village PD launched their own sting against local taverns.  The sting does not have an official name but it is being referred  to as Operation Beringer


Anonymous said...

lol, thats some funny shit right there Jim. Keep me and my business out of your little rants. Got an issue? Pick up the fucking phone and call me directly. 622-3463


Anonymous said...

Gee thanks Ryan We will all be calling you now thanks for your number Unless you change it quickly your phone will be either extremely busy or you will not be man enough to leave it on the hook How long ago did you start getting losing your mind Never mind we know

Anonymous said...

Call anytime you want, all you had to do is pick up a phone book asshole.....everyone's phonenumber is listed in there. dumbass

Anonymous said...

Unless your phone number is unlisted that is. Now who is the dumbass???

jim cummings said...

I can't tell who is who in those 2 comments....I did just google that phone number, of course you have to add the 1-315-. Not gives me the street city and zip.

Ryan, I am not going to call you. However if you really wanted to, you could get my number from your dad. But then again if you call, I know you will not be able to control yourself and then that becomes which case I will notify the State Troopers, not the local PD. Just so you know I will record it...

Anonymous said...

Jim, I am alot more controled than you think and I have no doubt that you would do whatever you could to try to cry harrassment. You don't know me Jim so don't pretend that you know how I would act. Lets get one thing straight, I dont care about what goes on politically in Alex Bay because I dont live there, I do however have an issue with being included in your little rants. I disagree with most everything that you post but you have as much right to post as I do to disagree.

My number is not and has never been listed so please call whenever you want, I would be more than happy to "chat".

Finally Jim, I am a man....that means I handle my affairs in person. I dont use forums to tell how I feel about someone and I dont hide behind others. I know how to use a phonebook and could easily get your number if needed but as of right now I have no reason to talk to you. If you would like to be a man and discuss any issues that you may have with me then please feel free to let me know when and where to meet you....perhaps at one of the many local establishments in the village next time I come up. It's always good to spend money at my supporting accounts up there. If not, then I would expect that I will no longer see anything on your blog that pertains to me or my business.


Ryan Robb

jim cummings said...

That was the name the sting was took it and turned it towards yourself. Your 15 minutes is over.....comments closed