Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Economics Morons!

Supply and demand, the most basic of economic principles is understood by most.  But honestly folks neither one of the candidates running for 118th Assembly River District, Cantwell or Russell knows anymore than you or me about economics.  Guess what else?????? Nobody in Albany gives a rats ass about what these two candidates have planned to save our state from economic turmoil.  The respective parties economic plans are already in motion bouncing off each other.  Let me repeat myself .... Albany does not care who Addie or Bobby are and Albany is not interested in anything they have to say.  Who ever wins that seat will be given this description of what he/she is to do.......are you ready for it?  Here goes:

  1. Sit here with your mentor.
  2. Do Not say one word unless your mentor asks you a question [NOT Likely].
  3. Sit some more with your mouth closed.  [Nobody in Albany cares what a freshman political neophyte has to say].
  4. Sign on the line when you are told to.
  5. Sit some more with your mouth closed and eyes and ears wide open.
  6. Try to fit in and make contacts for your future network.
The bottom line is this.......the best candidate is the one that is equipped with social and political survival skills. 
 Vote for the person not the plan!

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