I received the following comment in this topic 240-696-7345renzi
Anonymous said...
I am baffled that one man would waste his/her time on such a blog that is basically an endorsement for the democratic party. Why don't you run if you really want a voice or yet make money for your egotistical opinions. If in doing this you fill a void in your life, well then congrats. However, if in filling this void you demean other people, there really is no benefit. Are you making the community a better place? It is the bully mentality that I see. By picking on other people, we can feel better about ourselves. Well everyone has their flaws. We need to be a community united and until we can build each other up instead of breaking each other down; we are just spinning our wheels in the mud.
~ Sincerely disappointed
October 22, 2008 9:17 PM
I could not make heads or tails of it till I got this comment in the same topic tonight:
Jim Capaldi said...
The anonymous comment was sent to keep the worms in the can. Anyways in a couple of days this election will be in the past. My hope is that you can use your voice to bring good to the community, not cause fractures. Obviously you want people to read what you think, that is the whole purpose of the blog. If you didn't want people to look at it and comment on it, then you wouldn't have set it up this way. Regardless, I see a defense mechanism go up anytime a person disagrees (the best defense is a good offense).
As for Dotster why the hell should a person have to sign their name on a post on a blog? So those who disagree can ostracize the person?
Anyways I am giving you an audience because I care about the community and you do too. By the way, the his/her was not a cheap shot by a marginal idiot, it was referring to the other voice in your household that talks to you on a daily basis.
October 30, 2008 8:29 PM
This second comment sheds a little light on the first and I suppose that they are the same person. As of this posting I have no clue who Jim Capaldi is or IF I should know who he is. I do give him credit for following up his intial anonymous said comment with the unmasked version that you see above. I have had many opportunities to NOT sign my comments that I have posted on other blogs and comments on WWNY news at noon. I have not only used pguston, but the website to my blog and my real name.....Jim Cummings. Regarding Dotster and the way his forum is set up.........Even though you can use an anonymous nick it still gives some identity as to who that person is so you can seperate one anonymous from another. I believe that if you are going to talk shit about someone, then you ought to sign your name to it. Thanks to Jim Capaldi for following up on his first comment.
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