Wednesday, November 4, 2009

That Was Fun...

Politics are a blast for me.  I enjoyed every minute of the campaign.  I want to thank the 355 voters who supported me.

Hind sight is 20/20.  I made a mistake. I was scolded last night and was told that only one of us was to beat Durand.  I guess I never got the "memo" to leave Williams alone. The scolding surprised me, I figured since there were 2 republican incumbents and 2 democrat challengers, ideally they should be unseated. But I was told that Durand was the sacrifice and Williams is sacred.  There are no friends in the inner circle.  That is something I will remember forever....

1 comment:

C.F.B. said...

you got 354 people who like you,thats a win in itself.GREAT JOB. YOUR A GOOD MAN. LOL C.F.B.