Back in early February I went to the River Hospital Skilled Nursing Facility Information Meeting. The meeting at the Village Community Room was standing room only. Emotions were running on High! But there was one person there that kept everyone cool, calm and collected. Chris Fearon's deep and eloquent voice along with his calm demeanor kept everyone on an even keel. After listening to him I found myself compelled to meet this man. My impressions of him.....he is a man's man, a voice of reason and a man with charisma. I had the opportunity to chat with him, but only for a few minutes. This was one of the best decisions of my life. That encounter was a once in a life time opportunity and I will never forget our brief conversation. Mr. Fearon, it was a pleasure meeting you!
Obituary for Mr. Fearon
Obituary for Mr. Fearon
Great Scout. Loved teaching about the water to others. I was very impressed with him speaking with him at great legnth one day at his place.
Dean Erck
I never had the luck to meet Mr Fearon, But it sure sound like he could have run RH alot better then the people who are! Sounds like a good man who knows the value of a good hospital.
Chris Fearon was a friend who helped folks and mentored people through a couple of generations. I enjoyed talking with him. He was the driving force for getting our Yacht Club and boating school organized. R I P Chris. We will miss you.
Thanks for sharing this classic Kit piece. He loved the river community and gave of his time and talents often. He was a frequent visitor to the RH skilled Nursing Unit and was always pleased with this wonderful facility.
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