Help, I fell and..................
A letter was written by a tourist who fell on a sidewalk in the village. The person described the location as being in front of a pizza place at the corner of Church St. It was an oddly written letter describing his/her fall on a trecherous sidewalk. They asked that the sidewalk be fixed before someone else got hurt. While listening to the Mayor read this letter, an image of a location came to my mind. I was not the only one who had this little revelation. I automatically assumed that it was the sidewalk in front of Slice of the Bay. But as it turned out it was the sidewalk in front of the Korner. Later in the meeting Trustee Sweet asked that Roger Jobson [Village DPW Supt.] have his men repair the sidewalk in front of Slice of the Bay. Evidently they damaged it when looking for a non-existent water shut off earlier this spring.
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