The Old Village Ice Arena now owned by the Town of Alexandria will have water meters installed at the 5 sources that supply water to the facility. The meters will be installed by the Village to monitor the water usage at the rink. The purpose of the meters is not to generate a water bill for the town. Mayor Robb wants to be able to report back to the Village Residents how much water is being donated to the Town. The mayor stressed that no water bill will ever be sent to the Town.
WDT article link.
...I didn't hear the word EVER...
The audio is up......anyone want to hunt down this part of the meeting to confirm whether the word "ever" was used? It probably wasn't, but if you find it then you get an all you can eat ice cream spree at the stand of your choice.
i wasn't at the meeting but I'm sure your facts are wrong again jimmy, you like to stir the pot don't you!!
why don't you listen to the audio yourself before you make up facts to fit your blog
besides the mayor is only one vote and i can't believe the others would ever ever say that
get it straight for a change
i now understand why this site has so few viewers and so extremely few posters because it's mostly one sided bull ____
Johnny T where are you when we need you, please come back!!!
Slide your seek bar to about 56:00 and that is where the water meter discussion starts. Amazing what you hear in the audio. This makes pg right and "local business owner" wrong, you are the pot stirrin commentor who does not have the facts.
sorry jimmy
you're right, I apologize
I didn't hear it first time like curmudgeon didn't.
I love it when I read comments from anyone who is not a REAL tax payer in the Village they(cur) only run a business his in-laws own the real estate. But oh man does cur always have an opinion--doesn't he. The rink is now Town owned-why shouldn't the Town pay water bills. Maybe a decision like that should be put up to the VILLAGE TAX PAYER TO VOTE ON. WE SHOULD BE THE DECIDING FACTOR. Personally I don't care either way-it is for the kids after all. But you all have to find some kind of negative instead of basic business sense-"well what does the water cost the Village to run the ice arena". BUSSINESS COMMON SENSE!!
...."I'm not, I'm not saying we're going to charge the town for water, but I'd sure like to know how much they're using."
That's the quote from the Mayor, not MY opinion. If I didn't go to those meetings, you wouldn't know about anything to criticize me with, Anonymous.
Where do you get your information from? You seem to think your're a REAL taxpayer, whatever that is. Show us what you got!
to "Anonymous"
Ive been doing some tax map searching, and I don't find your name on any property in the Bay, either.
It's really hard to tell who owns what in the village because the names on the tax rolls are not necessarily who pays the taxes. See what I mean?
For example, somebody might be running a motel, actually, renting it and calling it his own. He thinks he can fool people with this arrangement, because the name on the tax rolls is, something like, 12345 Realty Corp, Rome, NY.
While we know he's not a REAL TAXPAYER, in the pure sense of the word, I'll bet the taxes are a little bit less than the rent. See where I'm going with this, Mr Anonymous Bussinessman?
Geesh Curmudgeon.....your explanation is about as clear as one of them new LCD 70 inch 1080P High Definition TV's. So Mr Anonymous Bussinessman what are you using for a tv? A B/W with a green fuzzy haze?
Didn't I hear that the town bills the village for the water at the dpw garage. GO FIGURE
What's good for the goose should also be good for the gander
signed-village taxpayer who by the way also pays town taxes
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